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How To Grind Out Imperfections in a Concrete Floor


How To Grind Out Imperfections in a Concrete Floor

Ground and polished concrete is one of the best flooring options an individual can choose. It’s hardy, durable, and easy to clean. However, getting it to that pristine point can be a difficult process, as there is a lot of labor involved in creating concrete flooring. Grinding and polishing concrete floors isn’t something you should take lightly, as imperfections can have lasting consequences on the end user. Here, we’ll take a look at how to grind out imperfections in a concrete floor, so you can get that perfect, smooth finish you’re looking for.

Figure Out the Right Size

Not all concrete grinding jobs are made equally. If you’re a contractor, you’ll need to make the decision about whether to get a walk-behind grinder or just a hand grinder. Walk-behind grinders are more expensive, but they can really grind down a large room quite quickly. However, if you’re just doing a small job, you’ll be able to handle the task with a hand grinder.

Identify the Imperfections

Finding the problem areas is the first step. Mark any visible high spots with a pencil or marker, so you can identify them while grinding. To find other spots that are harder, you’ll need to use a straightedge and lay it flat against the floor. Mark any places where the straightedge begins to teeter to one side, as this is likely another spot you will need to grind.

Using the Right Grit

The problem with finding imperfections in your concrete is that it can be unclear as to which grit you should use to grind them down. The important thing to remember is that moving up to a higher grit diamond won’t get rid of the imperfections. You’ll need to remove a good amount of material in order to fix them correctly, so start at a lower grit of diamond tooling before you try to polish it.

Don’t Push it

When leveling out a concrete floor, it’s very important that you don’t apply any unnecessary pressure to the tool you’re working with. Once you have found the problem areas and know which grit to use, you can begin the grinding process. Simply let the weight of the tool do the grinding—any added pressure will only create divots that you’ll need to deal with later.

Bedrock Supplies wants you to know how to grind out imperfections in a concrete floor, so you don’t have to waste time wondering if everything is level. Whatever supplies you need, from diamond cup wheels to diamond tip saw blades, epoxies, and solvents, Bedrock Supplies will be there to provide for you.

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