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How Quartz Sand Is Used in Epoxy Floors


How Quartz Sand is Used in Epoxy Floors

When it comes to flooring, you can rarely go wrong choosing an epoxy flooring or finish. Epoxy floors are durable, easy to clean, and can look great with the right finish. If you’re interested in knowing more about epoxy flooring, you might find it fascinating how quartz sand comes into play in many occasions. In this article, we’ll take you through how quartz sand is used in epoxy floors so you can see the benefits that adding this small modification can have to the finished product.

Used for Grouting and Coving

When quartz sand is added to an epoxy mixture in large quantities, a few things start to occur. The mixture starts to become thicker and acts more like grout than traditional liquid. This can be extremely useful for covering cracks and other floor damage. You can also shape it better than a more liquid epoxy, such as adding rounded coves to floor’s edges.

Used as an Aggregate To Reduce Slipping

One of the more common ways that quartz sand is used in epoxy flooring is spreading larger granules over a wet basecoat of epoxy. This creates a rougher, more textured coat that’s remarkably anti-slip. Epoxy itself is already quite anti-slip, but the added element of the quartz sand multiples this effect. This is mostly used for when the floor will be placed in harsh conditions and it needs the extra protection and slip resistance.

Used for Decoration

Quartz sand can offer quite the striking appearance when added on top of a floor. Usually the quartz is coated and layered over it to create a shimmering appearance. This application is most often used in places with high levels of foot traffic, such as shopping centers and pedestrian walkways.

Used To Bond Multiple Layers

When you’re going for a thicker application of epoxy, multiple coats of the product are usually needed. One of the ways professionals make sure the different layers bond is to have quartz sand in their epoxy supplies. Sprinkling the sand over a primer or base coat will allow the next layer added on top to bond stronger with the layer below. This is especially important when the layers will be added days apart.

Bedrock Supplies has all the epoxy supplies you need to make your next job the best one yet. We have a range of products that’ll help you out on the next job site and we’re proud to offer them at a great price.

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